1 Chronicles 19:1
(1) Now it came to pass after this.--The same phrase as at 1Chronicles 18:1; it has no chronological significance (see Note there). The conflict with Ammon, which has been glanced at in 1Chronicles 18:11, is now to be described at length (1Chronicles 19:1 to 1Chronicles 20:3), and in connection therewith the overthrow of Hadadezer (1Chronicles 18:3-8) is again related, with additional details.

Verse 1. - Nahash. It is possible that this may be the Nahash of 1 Samuel 11:1, 2 and 1 Sam 12:12, who, being signally defeated by Saul, may have been the more inclined to show partiality to David. But it would appear that nearly sixty years had elapsed, and if so, it must be held very unlikely, and would point to the conclusion that it was his son whose death is here in question. With this the statement of Josephus ('Ant.,' 6:05, § 3), would tally, which says that the Nahash of 1 Samuel 11. was killed in the destruction of the Ammonite army then wrought by Saul. Possibly the word "Nahash" was the official title of kings of the Ammonites (and, though considering its signification, i.e. serpent, scarcely a flattering one from a modern point of view, yet this is overruled by the association of the attribute of wisdom with the serpent in olden time, of which we have more than a trace in Matthew 10:16), as "Pharaoh" of kings of Egypt, etc.

19:1-19 David's wars. - The history is here repeated which we read 2Sa 10. The only safety of sinners consists in submitting to the Lord, seeking peace with him, and becoming his servants. Let us assist each other in a good cause; but let us fear lest, while made instruments of good to others, we should come short of salvation, through unbelief and sin.See Chapter Introduction
1 Chronicles 18:17
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