(1) King over all Israel.--The emphasis laid upon "all" is characteristic of the writer, who compiled the book after the disruption of the kingdom. Verse 1. - So King Solomon was king over all Israel [All later kings ruled but a part of the land of Israel, as also did David at first.]
4:1-19 In the choice of the great officers of Solomon's court, no doubt, his wisdom appeared. Several are the same that were in his father's time. A plan was settled by which no part of the country was exhausted to supply his court, though each sent its portion. So King Solomon was king over all Israel. As David his father was not at first, only over Judah, and as Solomon's successors were not, after the division of the kingdom under his son Rehoboam; though this seems to have a particular respect to what is related in the preceding chapter concerning the wisdom of Solomon, for which he was so famous, that he reigned by the consent of all, and in the hearts of all the people of Israel. |