1 Samuel 19:14
When Saul sent the messengers to seize David, Michal said, "He is ill."
Cross References
Joshua 2:5
At dusk, when the gate was about to close, the men went out, and I do not know which way they went. Pursue them quickly, and you may catch them!"

1 Samuel 19:15
But Saul sent the messengers back to see David and told them, "Bring him up to me in his bed so I can kill him."

1 Samuel 19:20
he sent messengers to capture him. But when they saw the group of prophets prophesying, with Samuel leading them, the Spirit of God came upon them, and Saul's messengers also began to prophesy.

Treasury of Scripture
And when Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, He is sick.

she said

Joshua 2:5
And it came to pass about the time of shutting of the gate, when it was dark, that the men went out: whither the men went I wot not: pursue after them quickly; for ye shall overtake them.

2 Samuel 16:17-19
And Absalom said to Hushai, Is this thy kindness to thy friend? why wentest thou not with thy friend? …

2 Samuel 17:20
And when Absalom's servants came to the woman to the house, they said, Where is Ahimaaz and Jonathan? And the woman said unto them, They be gone over the brook of water. And when they had sought and could not find them, they returned to Jerusalem.


1 Samuel 19:13
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