1 Samuel 24:2
So Saul took three thousand chosen men from all Israel and went to look for David and his men in the region of the Rocks of the Wild Goats.
Cross References
1 Samuel 26:2
So Saul, accompanied by three thousand chosen men of Israel, went down to the Wilderness of Ziph to search for David there.

2 Samuel 22:2
He said: "The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.

Job 39:1
"Do you know when mountain goats give birth? Have you watched the doe bear her fawn?

Treasury of Scripture
Then Saul took three thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and went to seek David and his men on the rocks of the wild goats.

Saul took

1 Samuel 13:2
Saul chose him three thousand men of Israel; whereof two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and in mount Bethel, and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin: and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent.

and went

Psalm 37:32
The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.

Psalm 38:12
They also that seek after my life lay snares for me: and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long.

the rocks

Psalm 104:18
The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and the rocks for the conies.

Psalm 141:6
When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet.


1 Samuel 24:1
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