1 Samuel 27:2
So David set out with his six hundred men and went to Achish son of Maoch, the king of Gath.
Cross References
1 Samuel 21:10
That day David fled from Saul and went to Achish king of Gath.

1 Samuel 25:13
And David said to his men, "Strap on your swords!" So David and all his men put on their swords, and about four hundred men followed David, while two hundred stayed with the supplies.

1 Samuel 30:9
So David and his six hundred men went to the Brook of Besor, where some stayed behind

1 Kings 2:39
After three years, however, two of Shimei's slaves ran away to Achish son of Maacah, king of Gath. And Shimei was told, "Look, your slaves are in Gath."

1 Chronicles 12:1
Now these were the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he was still banished from the presence of Saul son of Kish (they were among the mighty men who helped him in battle;

Treasury of Scripture
And David arose, and he passed over with the six hundred men that were with him to Achish, the son of Maoch, king of Gath.

the six

1 Samuel 25:13
And David said unto his men, Gird ye on every man his sword. And they girded on every man his sword; and David also girded on his sword: and there went up after David about four hundred men; and two hundred abode by the stuff.

1 Samuel 30:8
And David inquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.


1 Samuel 21:10
And David arose, and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Achish the king of Gath.

1 Kings 2:40
And Shimei arose, and saddled his ass, and went to Gath to Achish to seek his servants: and Shimei went, and brought his servants from Gath.


1 Samuel 27:1
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