2 Kings 17:33
They worshiped the LORD, but they also served their own gods according to the customs of the nations from which they had been carried away.
Cross References
2 Kings 17:32
So the new residents worshiped the LORD, but they also appointed for themselves priests of all sorts to serve in the shrines of the high places.

2 Kings 17:34
To this day they are still practicing their former customs. None of them worship the LORD or observe the statutes, ordinances, laws, and commandments that the LORD gave the descendants of Jacob, whom He named Israel.

Treasury of Scripture
They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from there.

They feared

2 Kings 17:41
So these nations feared the LORD, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children's children: as did their fathers, so do they unto this day.

1 Kings 18:21
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

Hosea 10:2
Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty: he shall break down their altars, he shall spoil their images.

whom they carried, etc.


2 Kings 17:32
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