2 Kings 9:28
Then his servants carried him by chariot to Jerusalem and buried him with his fathers in his tomb in the City of David.
Cross References
2 Kings 23:30
From Megiddo his servants carried his body in a chariot, brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah, anointed him, and made him king in place of his father.

2 Chronicles 22:9
Then Jehu looked for Ahaziah, and Jehu's soldiers captured him while he was hiding in Samaria. So Ahaziah was brought to Jehu and put to death. They buried him, for they said, "He is the grandson of Jehoshaphat, who sought the LORD with all his heart." So no one was left from the house of Ahaziah with the strength to rule the kingdom.

Treasury of Scripture
And his servants carried him in a chariot to Jerusalem, and buried him in his sepulcher with his fathers in the city of David.

2 Kings 12:21
For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants, smote him, and he died; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Amaziah his son reigned in his stead.

2 Kings 14:19,20
Now they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem: and he fled to Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish, and slew him there…

2 Kings 23:20
And he slew all the priests of the high places that were there upon the altars, and burned men's bones upon them, and returned to Jerusalem.


2 Kings 9:27
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