Acts 26:6
And now I stand on trial because of my hope in the promise that God made to our fathers,
Cross References
Acts 13:32
And now we proclaim to you the good news: What God promised our fathers

Acts 24:15
and I have the same hope in God that they themselves cherish, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.

Acts 28:20
So for this reason I have called to see you and speak with you. It is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chain."

Treasury of Scripture
And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God, to our fathers:


Acts 26:8
Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?

Acts 23:6
But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question.

Acts 24:15,21
And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust…

the promise.

Acts 3:24
Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days.

Acts 13:32,33
And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, …

Genesis 3:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.


Acts 26:5
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