Esther 3:4
Day after day they warned him, but he would not comply. So they reported it to Haman to see whether Mordecai's behavior would be tolerated, since he had told them he was a Jew.
Cross References
Esther 3:3
Then the royal servants at the king's gate asked Mordecai, "Why do you disobey the command of the king?"

Esther 3:5
When Haman saw that Mordecai would not bow down or pay him homage, he was filled with rage.

Treasury of Scripture
Now it came to pass, when they spoke daily to him, and he listened not to them, that they told Haman, to see whether Mordecai's matters would stand: for he had told them that he was a Jew.

when they spake.

Genesis 39:10
And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her.

that they told.

Daniel 3:8,9
Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews…

Daniel 6:13
Then answered they and said before the king, That Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.

he had told.

Ezra 1:3
Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.

Daniel 3:12,16-18,23-30
There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up…

Daniel 6:20-28
And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel: and the king spake and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions? …


Esther 3:3
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