Exodus 34:2
Be ready in the morning, and come up on Mount Sinai to present yourself before Me on the mountaintop.
Cross References
Exodus 19:11
and be prepared by the third day, for on the third day the LORD will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.

Exodus 19:18
Mount Sinai was completely enveloped in smoke, because the LORD had descended on it in fire. And the smoke rose like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked violently.

Treasury of Scripture
And be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to mount Sinai, and present yourself there to me in the top of the mount.

in the top

Exodus 19:20,24
And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up…

Exodus 24:12
And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.

Deuteronomy 9:25
Thus I fell down before the LORD forty days and forty nights, as I fell down at the first; because the LORD had said he would destroy you.


Exodus 34:1
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