Genesis 29:22
So Laban invited all the men of that place and prepared a feast.
Cross References
Genesis 29:21
Finally Jacob said to Laban, "Grant me my wife, for my time is complete, and I want to sleep with her."

Genesis 29:23
But when evening came, Laban took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob, and he slept with her.

Treasury of Scripture
And Laban gathered together all the men of the place, and made a feast.

and made.

Judges 14:10-18
So his father went down unto the woman: and Samson made there a feast; for so used the young men to do…

Ruth 4:10-13
Moreover Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of Mahlon, have I purchased to be my wife, to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance, that the name of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren, and from the gate of his place: ye are witnesses this day…

Matthew 22:2-10
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, …


Genesis 29:21
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