Genesis 36:15
These are the chiefs among the sons of Esau. The sons of Eliphaz the firstborn of Esau: Chiefs Teman, Omar, Zepho, Kenaz,
Cross References
Genesis 36:11
The sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz.

Genesis 36:14
These are the sons of Esau's wife Oholibamah (daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon) whom she bore to Esau: Jeush, Jalam, and Korah.

Genesis 36:16
Korah, Gatam, and Amalek. They are the chiefs of Eliphaz in the land of Edom, and they are the grandsons of Adah.

Exodus 15:15
Then the chiefs of Edom will be dismayed; trembling will seize the leaders of Moab; those who dwell in Canaan will melt away,

Jeremiah 49:7
Concerning Edom, this is what the LORD of Hosts says: "Is there no longer wisdom in Teman? Has counsel perished from the prudent? Has their wisdom decayed?

Treasury of Scripture
These were dukes of the sons of Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the firstborn son of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz,

First aristocracy of dukes, from A.


Genesis 36:18
And these are the sons of Aholibamah Esau's wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah: these were the dukes that came of Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, Esau's wife.

1 Chronicles 1:35
The sons of Esau; Eliphaz, Reuel, and Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah.


Job 21:8
Their seed is established in their sight with them, and their offspring before their eyes.

Psalm 37:35
I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.

duke Teman.

Genesis 36:4,11,12
And Adah bare to Esau Eliphaz; and Bashemath bare Reuel; …

1 Chronicles 1:36,45,51-54
The sons of Eliphaz; Teman, and Omar, Zephi, and Gatam, Kenaz, and Timna, and Amalek…

Job 2:11
Now when Job's three friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him, they came every one from his own place; Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite: for they had made an appointment together to come to mourn with him and to comfort him.


Genesis 36:14
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