Jeremiah 20:10
For I have heard the whispering of many: "Terror is on every side! Report him; let us report him!" All my trusted friends watch for my fall: "Perhaps he will be deceived so that we may prevail against him and take our vengeance upon him."
Cross References
1 Kings 19:2
So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, "May the gods deal with me, and ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like the lives of those you killed!"

Nehemiah 6:6
that read: "It is reported among the nations--and Geshem agrees--that you and the Jews are plotting to revolt, and this is why you are building the wall. According to these reports, you are to become their king,

Psalm 31:13
For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side. They conspire against me and plot to take my life.

Psalm 41:9
Even my close friend whom I trusted, the one who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.

Isaiah 29:21
those who indict a man with a word, who ensnare the mediator at the gate, and who with false charges deprive the innocent of justice.

Jeremiah 6:25
Do not go out to the fields; do not walk the road. For the enemy has a sword; terror is on every side.

Jeremiah 11:19
For I was like a gentle lamb led to slaughter; I did not know that they had plotted against me: "Let us destroy the tree with its fruit; let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name may be remembered no more."

Jeremiah 11:21
Therefore this is what the LORD says concerning the people of Anathoth who are seeking your life and saying, "You must not prophesy in the name of the LORD, or you will die by our hand."

Jeremiah 18:18
Then some said, "Come, let us make plans against Jeremiah, for the law will never be lost to the priest, nor counsel to the wise, nor an oracle to the prophet. Come, let us denounce him and pay no heed to any of his words."

Jeremiah 20:3
The next day, when Pashhur released Jeremiah from the stocks, Jeremiah said to him, "The LORD does not call you Pashhur, but Magor-missabib.

Jeremiah 37:13
But when he reached the Gate of Benjamin, the captain of the guard, whose name was Irijah son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah, seized him and said, "You are deserting to the Chaldeans!"

Daniel 6:4
Thus the administrators and satraps sought a charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom, but they could find no charge or corruption, because he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him.

Treasury of Scripture
For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.

I heard.

Psalm 31:13
For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.

Psalm 57:4
My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

Psalm 64:2-4
Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity: …


Jeremiah 20:3
And it came to pass on the morrow, that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then said Jeremiah unto him, The LORD hath not called thy name Pashur, but Magormissabib.


Jeremiah 18:18
Then said they, Come, and let us devise devices against Jeremiah; for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words.

Nehemiah 6:6-13
Wherein was written, It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu saith it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel: for which cause thou buildest the wall, that thou mayest be their king, according to these words…

Proverbs 10:18
He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.

All my familiars.

Job 19:19
All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me.

Psalm 41:9
Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.

Psalm 55:13,14
But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance…

we shall.

1 Kings 19:2
Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time.

1 Kings 21:20
And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.

1 Kings 22:8,27
And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, There is yet one man, Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom we may inquire of the LORD: but I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so…


Jeremiah 20:9
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