Job 11:4
You have said, 'My doctrine is sound, and I am pure in Your sight.'
Cross References
Job 6:10
It still brings me comfort, and joy through unrelenting pain, that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.

Job 10:7
though You know that I am not guilty, and there is no deliverance from Your hand?

Job 11:5
But if only God would speak and open His lips against you,

Proverbs 4:2
For I give you sound teaching; do not abandon my directive.

Treasury of Scripture
For you have said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in your eyes.

For thou

Job 6:10
Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would harden myself in sorrow: let him not spare; for I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.

Job 10:7
Thou knowest that I am not wicked; and there is none that can deliver out of thine hand.

1 Peter 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

I am clean

Job 6:29,30
Return, I pray you, let it not be iniquity; yea, return again, my righteousness is in it…

Job 7:20
I have sinned; what shall I do unto thee, O thou preserver of men? why hast thou set me as a mark against thee, so that I am a burden to myself?

Job 9:2,3
I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God? …


Job 11:3
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