John 9:15
So the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. The man answered, "He put mud on my eyes, and I washed, and now I can see."
Cross References
Jeremiah 36:17
"Tell us now," they asked Baruch, "how did you write all these words? Was it at Jeremiah's dictation?"

John 9:10
"How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.

John 9:17
So once again they asked the man who had been blind, "What do you say about Him, since it was your eyes He opened?" "He is a prophet," the man replied.

John 9:27
He replied, "I already told you, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become His disciples?"

Treasury of Scripture
Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said to them, He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and do see.

the Pharisees.

John 9:10,11,26,27
Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened? …


John 9:14
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