Joshua 6:8
After Joshua had spoken to the people, seven priests carrying seven rams' horns before the LORD advanced and blew the horns, and the ark of the covenant of the LORD followed them.
Cross References
Joshua 6:7
And he told the people, "Advance and march around the city, with the armed troops going ahead of the ark of the LORD."

Joshua 6:9
While the horns continued to sound, the armed troops marched ahead of the priests who blew the horns, and the rear guard followed the ark.

Treasury of Scripture
And it came to pass, when Joshua had spoken to the people, that the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams' horns passed on before the LORD, and blew with the trumpets: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD followed them.

before the Lord

Joshua 6:3,4
And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days…

Numbers 32:20
And Moses said unto them, If ye will do this thing, if ye will go armed before the LORD to war,


Joshua 6:7
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