Luke 2:30
For my eyes have seen Your salvation,
Cross References
Psalm 119:166
I wait for Your salvation, O LORD, and I carry out Your commandments.

Psalm 119:174
I long for Your salvation, O LORD, and Your law is my delight.

Isaiah 52:10
The LORD has bared His holy arm in the sight of all the nations; all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

Luke 2:31
which You have prepared in the sight of all people,

Luke 3:6
And all humanity will see God's salvation.'"

Acts 28:28
Be advised, therefore, that God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!"

Treasury of Scripture
For my eyes have seen your salvation,

See on ver.

Luke 2:10,11
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people…

Luke 3:6
And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

Genesis 49:18
I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.


Luke 2:29
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