Mark 6:32
So they went away in a boat by themselves to a solitary place.
Cross References
Matthew 14:13
When Jesus heard about John, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. But the crowds found out about it and followed Him on foot from the towns.

Mark 3:9
Jesus asked His disciples to have a boat ready for Him so that the crowd would not crush Him.

Mark 4:36
After they had dismissed the crowd, they took Jesus with them, since He was already in the boat. And there were other boats with Him.

Mark 6:33
But many people saw them leaving and recognized them. They ran together on foot from all the towns and arrived before them.

Mark 6:45
Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to Bethsaida, while He dismissed the crowd.

Mark 6:51
Then He climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. And the disciples were utterly astounded,

Mark 8:2
"I have compassion for this crowd, because they have already been with Me three days and have nothing to eat.

Luke 9:10
Then the apostles returned and reported to Jesus all that they had done. Taking them away privately, He withdrew to a town called Bethsaida.

John 6:1
After this, Jesus crossed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias).

John 6:5
When Jesus looked up and saw a large crowd coming toward Him, He said to Philip, "Where can we buy bread for these people to eat?"

Treasury of Scripture
And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.

Matthew 14:13
When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities.


Mark 6:31
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