Numbers 3:28
The number of all the males a month old or more was 8,600. They were responsible for the duties of the sanctuary.
Cross References
Numbers 3:27
From Kohath came the clans of the Amramites, the Izharites, the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites; these were the clans of the Kohathites.

Numbers 3:29
The clans of the Kohathites were to camp on the south side of the tabernacle,

Treasury of Scripture
In the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were eight thousand and six hundred, keeping the charge of the sanctuary.

eight thousand

Numbers 4:35,36
From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, every one that entereth into the service, for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation: …


Numbers 3:7,31
And they shall keep his charge, and the charge of the whole congregation before the tabernacle of the congregation, to do the service of the tabernacle…


Numbers 3:27
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