Psalm 119:26
I recounted my ways, and You answered me; teach me Your statutes.
Cross References
Psalm 25:4
Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths.

Psalm 27:11
Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me on a level path, because of my oppressors.

Psalm 86:11
Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.

Psalm 119:12
Blessed are You, O LORD; teach me Your statutes.

Treasury of Scripture
I have declared my ways, and you heard me: teach me your statutes.


Psalm 119:106
I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments.

Psalm 32:5
I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

Psalm 38:18
For I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin.


Psalm 119:12
Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.

Psalm 25:4,8,9
Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths…

Psalm 27:11
Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.


Psalm 119:25
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