Revelation 10:3
Then he cried out in a loud voice like the roar of a lion. And when he cried out, the seven thunders sounded their voices.
Cross References
Psalm 29:3
The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders; the LORD is heard over many waters.

Isaiah 31:4
For this is what the LORD has said to me: "Like a lion roaring or a young lion over its prey--and though a band of shepherds is called out against it, it is not terrified by their shouting or subdued by their clamor--so the LORD of Hosts will come down to do battle on Mount Zion and its heights.

Ezekiel 10:5
The sound of the wings of the cherubim could be heard as far as the outer court, like the voice of God Almighty when He speaks.

Hosea 11:10
They will walk after the LORD; He will roar like a lion. When He roars, His children will come trembling from the west.

Revelation 4:5
From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings, and peals of thunder. Before the throne burned seven torches of fire. These are the seven Spirits of God.

Treasury of Scripture
And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.


Proverbs 19:12
The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion; but his favour is as dew upon the grass.

Isaiah 5:29
Their roaring shall be like a lion, they shall roar like young lions: yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and shall carry it away safe, and none shall deliver it.

Isaiah 31:4
For thus hath the LORD spoken unto me, Like as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a multitude of shepherds is called forth against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them: so shall the LORD of hosts come down to fight for mount Zion, and for the hill thereof.


Revelation 8:5
And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

Revelation 14:2
And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

Revelation 15:1,7
And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God…


Revelation 10:2
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