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Go'ah (1 Occurrence)

Jeremiah 31:39 The measuring line shall go out further straight onward to the hill Gareb, and shall turn about to Goah. (See RSV)

Go'ah (1 Occurrence)
Go'ah. << Goah, Go'ah. Goal >>. Multi-Version Concordance Go'ah (1 Occurrence).
Jeremiah 31:39 The measuring line shall go out further ...
/g/go&#39;ah.htm - 6k

Goah (1 Occurrence)
... go'-a, go'-ath (go`ah; the King James Version; Septuagint reads ex eklekton lithon):
A place named in describing the boundaries of Jerusalem as restored in the ...
/g/goah.htm - 7k

Goal (7 Occurrences)

/g/goal.htm - 8k

Goath (1 Occurrence)
... go'-a, go'-ath (go`ah; the King James Version; Septuagint reads ex eklekton lithon):
A place named in describing the boundaries of Jerusalem as restored in the ...
/g/goath.htm - 7k

Strong's Hebrew
4771. margoa -- a rest
... << 4770, 4771. margoa. 4772 >>. a rest. Transliteration: margoa Phonetic Spelling:
(mar-go'-ah) Short Definition: rest. Word Origin from ...
/hebrew/4771.htm - 6k
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