Helps Bible
Work through sermons and Bible study preparation live over Skype with Dr. Gary Hill, general editor of The Discovery Bible (NASB with the HELPS original language markings). No background in biblical languages is required and sessions are free (donations accepted).
Participants can engage in or listen to an open discussion and study on any verse they select to enhance their own understanding and experience the Bible in an exciting new way using the HELPS study system. With HELPS, readers will recognize (rather than memorize) original-language meanings with symbols and tools provided in-text and gain skills to apply this new understanding. Over 2,200 concept words such as faith, hope, and love are covered in the HELPS word-studies. The emphasis of the original text becomes instantly identifiable by the color-highlighted and underlined words in the NASB text.

John MacArthur, pastor, Grace Community Church; author; radio speaker, "The Discovery Bible, by Gary Hill, opens the meaning of the Greek text even to those who don’t have the advantage of being able to do firsthand language study."

From a participant: "I've spent hours going over sermons and Bible studies on the phone with Gary Hill. In my quest to better understand Scripture as originally given, I have found dialoging with him and using The Discovery Bible New Testament have become my most valued theological resources."

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