Bible Concordance
Sons's (1 Occurrence)Genesis 46:7 his sons, and his sons' sons with him, his daughters, and his sons's daughters, and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt. (ASV)
Sons's (1 Occurrence)... Multi-Version Concordance
Sons's (1 Occurrence). Genesis 46:7 his
and his
sons with him, his daughters, and his
sons's.../s/sons's.htm - 6kSoon (636 Occurrences)
/s/soon.htm - 7k
Sons-in-law (2 Occurrences)
Sons-in-law. << Sonship, Sons-in-law. Sons's >>. Noah Webster's Dictionary (n.)
Plural of Son-in-law. Multi-Version Concordance Sons-in-law (2 Occurrences). ...
/s/sons-in-law.htm - 7k