Subtopics and Related Terms
Pontus: A Province of Asia Minor
Pontus: Aquila Lived In
Cappadocia (2 Occurrences)
Aquila (7 Occurrences)
Galatia (6 Occurrences)
Cappado'cia (2 Occurrences)
Hittites (39 Occurrences)
Parthians (1 Occurrence)
Minor (2 Occurrences)
Asia (22 Occurrences)
Dispersion (4 Occurrences)
Visit (97 Occurrences)
Native (35 Occurrences)
Lately (6 Occurrences)
Inhabitants (254 Occurrences)
Italy (4 Occurrences)
Inhabit (29 Occurrences)
Foreigners (76 Occurrences)
Tarpelites (1 Occurrence)
Reside (17 Occurrences)
Recently (8 Occurrences)
Residents (9 Occurrences)
Race (36 Occurrences)
Exiles (46 Occurrences)
Edict (22 Occurrences)
Expelling (4 Occurrences)
E'lamites (1 Occurrence)
Dwelling (340 Occurrences)
Directed (75 Occurrences)
Dwellers (12 Occurrences)
Media (14 Occurrences)
Mesopotamia (8 Occurrences)
Mesopota'mia (7 Occurrences)
Priscilla (7 Occurrences)
Phygellus (1 Occurrence)
Phygelus (1 Occurrence)
Par'thians (1 Occurrence)
Phrygia (4 Occurrences)
Paid (86 Occurrences)
Parthia (1 Occurrence)
Pamphylia (6 Occurrences)
Bithyn'ia (2 Occurrences)
Bithynia (2 Occurrences)
Claudius's (1 Occurrence)
Aquilas (6 Occurrences)
Aliens (53 Occurrences)
Asian (1 Occurrence)
Aq'uila (6 Occurrences)
Strangers (95 Occurrences)
Sojourners (37 Occurrences)
Finding (57 Occurrences)
Choice (113 Occurrences)
Scattered (122 Occurrences)
Jew (34 Occurrences)
Across (172 Occurrences)
Separate (115 Occurrences)
Medes (15 Occurrences)
Discomfiture (6 Occurrences)
Judea (50 Occurrences)
Claudius (3 Occurrences)
Depart (211 Occurrences)
Elect (32 Occurrences)
Province (66 Occurrences)
Ordered (264 Occurrences)
Born (228 Occurrences)
Judaea (45 Occurrences)
Throughout (291 Occurrences)
Tarsus (5 Occurrences)
Commanded (553 Occurrences)
Wife (437 Occurrences)
Pontius (4 Occurrences)
Pool (25 Occurrences)
Leave (341 Occurrences)
Saints (117 Occurrences)
Orders (736 Occurrences)