Bible Concordance Shimronmeron (1 Occurrence)Joshua 12:20 The king of Shimronmeron, one; the king of Achshaph, one; (KJV) Thesaurus Shimronmeron (1 Occurrence)... See SHIMRON. W. Ewing. Multi-Version Concordance Shimronmeron (1 Occurrence). Joshua 12:20 The king of Shimronmeron, one; the king of Achshaph, one; (KJV). .../s/shimronmeron.htm - 7kShimron-meron (1 Occurrence) Shimron-meron. << Shimronmeron, Shimron-meron. Shim'ron-me'ron >>. Easton's Bible Dictionary ... << Shimronmeron, Shimron-meron. Shim'ron-me'ron >>. Reference Bible. /s/shimron-meron.htm - 7k Shim'ronites (1 Occurrence) Shim'ronites. << Shimronites, Shim'ronites. Shimronmeron >>. Multi-Version Concordance ... (See RSV). << Shimronites, Shim'ronites. Shimronmeron >>. Reference Bible. /s/shim'ronites.htm - 6k Smith's Bible Dictionary Shimronmeron(watch-height of Meron). The king of Shimron-meron is mentioned as one of the thirty-one kings vanquished by Joshua. (Joshua 12:20) It is probably the complete name of the place elsewhere called Shimron, a city of Zebulun. (Joshua 11:1; 19:15) International Standard Bible Encyclopedia SHIMRON-MERONshim'-ron-me'-ron (shimron mer'on; Sumoon.... Mamroth, Codex Alexandrinus Samron.... Phasga.... Maron): A royal city of the Canaanites, the king of which was slain by Joshua (12:20). Here the name is followed by that of Achshaph, which also follows the name of Shimron in 11:1. This suggests that the two are in reality one, and that Shimron-meron may only be the full name. A royal Canaanite city, Sam-simuruna, is mentioned in the inscriptions of Sen-nacherib, Esar-haddon and Assur-bani-pal, which Schrader (KAT2, 163) would identify with this, and thinks it may now be represented by es-Semeiri-yeh.
W. Ewing
Easton's Bible Dictionary The same, probably, as Shimron ( Joshua 12:20). |