Bible Concordance Well-hewn (1 Occurrence)Amos 5:11 Therefore, because of your trampling on the poor, And the tribute of corn ye take from him, Houses of hewn work ye have built, And ye do not dwell in them, Desirable vineyards ye have planted, And ye do not drink their wine. (See NAS) Thesaurus Well-hewn (1 Occurrence)Well- hewn. << Well-grounded, Well- hewn. Welling >>. Multi-Version Concordance Well- hewn (1 Occurrence). Amos 5:11 Therefore .../w/well-hewn.htm - 6kWelling (1 Occurrence)
/w/welling.htm - 6k Well-grounded (1 Occurrence) Well-grounded. << Well-founded, Well-grounded. Well-hewn >>. Multi-Version Concordance ... (WEY). << Well-founded, Well-grounded. Well-hewn >>. Reference Bible. /w/well-grounded.htm - 6k Strong's Hebrew 1496. gazith -- a cutting, hewing... a cutting, hewing NASB Word Usage cut (1), cut stone (2), cut stones (1), hewn (1), hewn stone (1), smooth stones (1), stone cut (2), well- hewn stone (1). ... /hebrew/1496.htm - 6k |