Thesaurus Athenobius...ATHENOBIUS. ... Simon declined to pay more than 100 talents, and Athenobius returned to Antiochus from his fruitless mission (1 Maccabees 15:28-36). .../a/athenobius.htm - 6kAthens (5 Occurrences)
/a/athens.htm - 15k Cupboard ... of sideboard in or on which Simon's gold and silver vessels were displayed, and which, among other evidences of his glory, amazed the Syrian envoy Athenobius. ... /c/cupboard.htm - 6k Athenians (2 Occurrences)
/a/athenians.htm - 7k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ATHENOBIUSath-e-no'-bi-us [Athenobios]: A "friend" of Antiochus VII (Sidetes), who was sent to Jerusalem by the king to protest against the occupation of Joppa and Gazara, and the citadel Jerusalem. A demand was made on Simon Maccabeus to give up all the places he had taken or pay 1,000 talents in silver. Simon declined to pay more than 100 talents, and Athenobius returned to Antiochus from his fruitless mission (1 Maccabees 15:28-36). |