Thesaurus Baltasar... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia BALTASAR. bal-ta'-sar ( Baltasar; the King James Version Balthasar): (1) The Greek of Hebrew, belTesha .../b/baltasar.htm - 7kBalsam-trees (1 Occurrence) Balsam-trees. << Balsam, Balsam-trees. Baltasar >>. Multi-Version Concordance Balsam-trees (1 Occurrence). ... (BBE). << Balsam, Balsam-trees. Baltasar >>. Reference ... /b/balsam-trees.htm - 6k Balustrade (1 Occurrence)
/b/balustrade.htm - 7k Belshazzar (8 Occurrences) ... bel-shaz'-ar (belsha'tstsar; Baltasar, Babylonian Bel-shar-usur): According to Daniel 5:30, he was the Chaldean king under whom Babylon was taken by Darius the ... /b/belshazzar.htm - 16k Book (211 Occurrences) ... that prayers may be offered in the temple for the king and his family and also for the superior lord King Nebuchadnezzar and his son Baltasar (= the Belshazzar ... /b/book.htm - 101k Baruch (24 Occurrences) ... that prayers may be offered in the temple for the king and his family and also for the superior lord King Nebuchadnezzar and his son Baltasar (= the Belshazzar ... /b/baruch.htm - 46k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia BALTASARbal-ta'-sar (Baltasar; the King James Version Balthasar):
(1) The Greek of Hebrew, belTesha'tstsar, or belTe'shatstsar, perhaps corresponding to BalaT-sar-ucur, "protect the life of the king," the Babylonian cognomen of Daniel. Compare Belteshazzar (Daniel 1:7; Daniel 2:26; Daniel 4:8, et al.).
(2) Baltasar is also the Greek of the Hebrew belsha'tstsar, or bel'shatstsar, the name of the last king of Babylon (corresponding to the Babylonian Bel-sar-ucur; Schrader, Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament, III, 396; Syriac Blitshazzar; Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) Baltassar). Compare Baruch 1 11 and Belshazzar (Daniel 5:1; Daniel 7:1; Daniel 8:1).
(3) The name of one of the Magi who according to the legend visited Jesus at Bethlehem: Melchior from Nubia, Balthasar from Godolia, Caspar from Tharsis.
A. L. Breslich |