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Bible Concordance
Battle-axe (2 Occurrences)

Psalms 35:3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that pursue me: Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. (See JPS NAS)

Jeremiah 51:20 Thou art my battle-axe and weapons of war: and with thee will I break in pieces the nations; and with thee will I destroy kingdoms; (ASV)

... God's instrument in destroying Babylon. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
BATTLE-AXE. bat'-'-l-ax. See ARMOR, ARMS, III, 1; AX (AXE). ...
/b/battleaxe.htm - 6k

Battle-axe (2 Occurrences)
Battle-axe. << Battleaxe, Battle-axe. Battlebow >>. Easton's Bible Dictionary A
mallet or heavy war-club. ... << Battleaxe, Battle-axe. Battlebow >>. Reference Bible
/b/battle-axe.htm - 7k

Axe (19 Occurrences)
... In the Authorized Version it is rendered "tongs." It is also used in Jeremiah
10:3, and rendered "axe." The "battle-axe" (army of Medes and Persians) mentioned ...
/a/axe.htm - 18k

Battle-ax (1 Occurrence)
Battle-ax. << Battle-array, Battle-ax. Battleaxe >>. Noah Webster's Dictionary
(n.) Alt. of Battle-axe. Multi-Version Concordance Battle-ax (1 Occurrence). ...
/b/battle-ax.htm - 6k


/b/battlebow.htm - 8k

Hammer (15 Occurrences)
... nomad are driven into the ground. (4.) Hebrews mappets, rendered
"battle-axe" in Jeremiah 51:20. This was properly a "mace," which ...
/h/hammer.htm - 15k

Club (7 Occurrences)
... Jeremiah 51:20 You are my battleaxe and weapons of war: and with you will I break
in pieces the nations; and with you will I destroy kingdoms; (See NAS NIV). ...
/c/club.htm - 9k

Canaanites (63 Occurrences)
... of Kanana the Canaanites appear on Egyptian monuments, wearing a coat of mail and
helmet, and distinguished by the use of spear and javelin and the battle-axe. ...
/c/canaanites.htm - 55k

Ax (12 Occurrences)
... feller," hence, an axe. (9) mapets (Jeremiah 51:20), literally, "a smiter,"
hence, a war club or battle-axe. The Greek word used ...
/a/ax.htm - 14k

Armour (32 Occurrences)
... The "maul" (Proverbs 25:18; cognate Hebrew word rendered "battle-axe" in Jeremiah
51:20, and "slaughter weapon" in Ezek. 9:2) was a war-hammer or martel. ...
/a/armour.htm - 20k

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia



Easton's Bible Dictionary
A mallet or heavy war-club. Applied metaphorically (Jeremiah 51:20) to Cyrus, God's instrument in destroying Babylon.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(n.) A kind of broadax formerly used as an offensive weapon.
Strong's Hebrew
5462. sagar -- to shut, close
... root Definition to shut, close NASB Word Usage battle-axe (1), close (2), closed
(9), confined (1), deliver (5), delivered (6), gave over (2), given (1), given ...
/hebrew/5462.htm - 6k
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