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Beth-tappuah (1 Occurrence)

Joshua 15:53 and Janim, and Beth-tappuah, and Aphekah, (ASV BBE DBY JPS WBS YLT NAS)

Bethtappuah (1 Occurrence)
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. BETH-TAPPUAH. ... Multi-Version Concordance Bethtappuah
(1 Occurrence). Joshua 15:53 And Janum, and Bethtappuah, and Aphekah, (KJV) ...
/b/bethtappuah.htm - 7k

Beth-tappuah (1 Occurrence)
Beth-tappuah. << Bethtappuah, Beth-tappuah. Beth-tap'puah >>. Easton's Bible Dictionary ...
<< Bethtappuah, Beth-tappuah. Beth-tap'puah >>. Reference Bible.
/b/beth-tappuah.htm - 7k

Janim (1 Occurrence)
... JANIM. ja'-nim (yanim; the King James Version Janum): A place in the Hebron uplands
named with Eshan and Beth-tappuah (Joshua 15:53); unidentified. ...
/j/janim.htm - 6k

Tappuah (8 Occurrences)
... The place probably represents "Beth-tappuah" of Joshua 15:53. ... Joshua 15:53 Janim,
BethTappuah, Aphekah, (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV). ...
/t/tappuah.htm - 11k

Beth-tap'puah (1 Occurrence)
Beth-tap'puah. << Beth-tappuah, Beth-tap'puah. Beth-togarmah >>. ... Beth-tap'puah (1
Occurrence). Joshua 15:53 and Janum, and Beth-tappuah, and Aphekah; (See RSV). ...
/b/beth-tap&#39;puah.htm - 6k

Janum (1 Occurrence)
... See JANIM. Multi-Version Concordance Janum (1 Occurrence). Joshua 15:53 And Janum,
and Bethtappuah, and Aphekah, (KJV JPS DBY WBS YLT NAS). ...
/j/janum.htm - 7k

... TEPHON. te'-fon (he Tepho): In 1 Macc 9:50, a city of Judea fortified by Bacchides,
probably the Beth-tappuah of Joshua 15:53, near Hebron. ...
/t/tephon.htm - 6k


/b/bethsuron.htm - 6k

Aphekah (1 Occurrence)
... Multi-Version Concordance Aphekah (1 Occurrence). Joshua 15:53 Janim, Beth
Tappuah, Aphekah, (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV). ...
/a/aphekah.htm - 6k

Apple-tree (3 Occurrences)
... The word tappuach appears in two place names, BETH-TAPPUAH and TAPPUAH (which see).
EWG Masterman. Multi-Version Concordance Apple-tree (3 Occurrences). ...
/a/apple-tree.htm - 11k

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

beth-tap'-u-a (beth-tappuach; Beththapphoue, "place of apples" (see however APPLE)); A town in the hill country of Judah (Joshua 15:53), probably near Hebron (el Tappuah, 1 Chronicles 2:43), possibly the same as Tephon (1 Maccabees 9:50). The village of Tuffuch, 3 1/2 miles Northwest of Hebron, is the probable site; it stands on the edge of a high ridge, surrounded by very fruitful gardens; an ancient highroad runs through the village, and there are many old cisterns and caves. (See PEF, III, 310, 379, Sh XXI.)

E. W. G. Masterman

Easton's Bible Dictionary
House of apples, a town of Judah, now Tuffuh, 5 miles west of Hebron (Joshua 15:53).

Strong's Hebrew
1054. Beth-tappuach -- "place of apples," a place in Judah
... "place of apples," a place in Judah. Transliteration: Beth-tappuach Phonetic Spelling:
(bayth tap-poo'-akh) Short Definition: Beth-tappuah. ... Beth-tappuah. ...
/hebrew/1054.htm - 6k
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