Bible Concordance Birthstool (1 Occurrence)Exodus 1:16 and he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the birth-stool; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him; but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. (See JPS NAS RSV) Thesaurus Birthstool (1 Occurrence)... the birth-stool was similarly double. See STOOL. Multi-Version Concordance Birthstool (1 Occurrence). Exodus 1:16 and he said, When .../b/birthstool.htm - 7kBirths (34 Occurrences)
/b/births.htm - 17k Midwife (4 Occurrences) ... From this passage it appears that they used a certain double-round form of birthstool called 'obhnayim, concerning which there are several rabbinical comments. ... /m/midwife.htm - 10k Birth-stool (1 Occurrence) Birth-stool. << Birthstool, Birth-stool. Birzaith >>. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia BIRTH-STOOL. ... (ASV). << Birthstool, Birth-stool. Birzaith >>. Reference Bible /b/birth-stool.htm - 7k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia BIRTH-STOOLburth'-stool: Found only in Exodus 1:16, in connection with Hebrew women in Egypt when oppressed by Pharaoh. The Hebrew ('obhnayim) here rendered "birth-stool" is used in Jeremiah 18:3, and is there rendered "potter's wheel." The word is used in both places in the dual form, which points, no doubt, to the fact that the potter's wheel was composed of two discs, and suggests that the birth-stool was similarly double.
Strong's Hebrew 70. oben -- a wheel, disk... << 69, 70. oben. 71 >>. a wheel, disk. Transliteration: oben Phonetic Spelling: (o'ben) Short Definition: birthstool. Word Origin from ... /hebrew/70.htm - 6k |