International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Brazen SerpentBRAZEN SERPENT See NEHUSHTAN.
Smith's Bible Dictionary Brazen Serpent[SERPENT] ATS Bible Dictionary Brazen SerpentAn image in brass prepared by Moses, resembling the fiery serpents so destructive to Israel in the desert, and set up in the midst of the camp in the view of all, that whosoever would evince penitence, faith, and obedience by looking to it, might live, Numbers 21:6-9. Our Savior has shown us that this was typical of himself and of salvation through him-a gratuitous salvation, free to all, on the easy terms of faith and obedience, John 3:14,15. The brazen serpent was long preserved, as a memorial of the gracious miracle wrought in connection with it; but being regarded as an object of worship, it was broken to pieces by king Hezekiah, as Nehushtan-a mere piece of brass, 2 Kings 18:4. |