Greek 3749. ostrakinos -- earthen ... [3749 () refers to anything made of baked clay, eg earthenware (clay vessels). Earthen (clay) jars were used for storage and as "writing pads" (for messages ... /greek/3749.htm - 7kInternational Standard Bible Encyclopedia Earthen VesselsEARTHEN VESSELS urth'-'-n, (cheres, yetser; ostrakinos):
These vessels were heat-resisting and were used for cooking and for boiling clothes (Leviticus 6:28; Leviticus 11:33; Leviticus 14:5, 50). They were probably non-porous and took the place of the kidri or ma'ajin used in Syria today. A traveler in the interior of Palestine may still meet with the hospitality showed to David (2 Samuel 17:28). The generous natives brought not only gifts of food but the necessary vessels in which to cook it. An earthen vessel was used to preserve a land deed (Jeremiah 32:14).
Figurative: In Jeremiah 19:1 breaking of an earthen vessel was symbolical of the destruction of Jerusalem. These vessels were also used to symbolize the commonness (Lamentations 4:2) and frailness of our bodies (2 Corinthians 4:7).
James A. Patch
Strong's Hebrew 2789. cheres -- earthenware, earthen vessel, sherd, potsherd... vessel, sherd, potsherd NASB Word Usage earthen (1), earthen vessel (1), earthenware (8), earthenware vessel (1), earthenware vessel the vessels (1), fragments ... /hebrew/2789.htm - 6k |