Thesaurus Emekkeziz/e/emekkeziz.htm - 6kEmek-keziz (1 Occurrence) Emek-keziz. << Emekkeziz, Emek-keziz. Emek-ke'ziz >>. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia EMEK-KEZIZ. ... << Emekkeziz, Emek-keziz. Emek-ke'ziz >>. Reference Bible. /e/emek-keziz.htm - 7k Emek (2 Occurrences)
/e/emek.htm - 7k Vale (20 Occurrences) ... 3:14); "vale of Elah" (margin "terebinth") (1 Samuel 17:2); "the King's Vale" (Genesis 14:17); but "the king's dale" (2 Samuel 18:18); "Emekkeziz," the King ... /v/vale.htm - 29k Valley (187 Occurrences) ... 3:14); "vale of Elah" (margin "terebinth") (1 Samuel 17:2); "the King's Vale" (Genesis 14:17); but "the king's dale" (2 Samuel 18:18); "Emekkeziz," the King ... /v/valley.htm - 75k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia EMEK-KEZIZe-mek-ke'-ziz (`emeq qetsits; the King James Version Valley of Keziz (Joshua 18:21)):
A town in Benjamin named between Beth-hoglah and Beth-arabah, and therefore to be sought in the plain, probably South of Jericho. The name has not been recovered. |