ATS Bible Dictionary Epistles Of PeterWe have two epistles attributed to Peter by the common consent to the Christian church. The genuineness of the first has never been disputed; it is referred to as his accredited work by several of the apostolical fathers. It appears to have been addressed to Christian churches in Asia Minor, composed primarily of converted Jews and proselytes, but including many converts from paganism, 1Pe 4...3. It was written probably at Babylon on the Euphrates, 1 Peter 5:13. See BABYLON. Some, however, interpret this of Rome, and others of a petty town in Egypt called Babylon. The "fiery trials" through which the church was then passing are supposed to have been the persecutions in the latter years of Nero's reign, which terminated A. D. 68. Peter exhorts them to faith, obedience, and patience, in view of the truth of the gospel and the certainty of salvation in Christ. |