Bible Concordance Forenoon (1 Occurrence)2 Samuel 2:29 Abner and his men went all that night through the Arabah; and they passed over the Jordan, and went through all Bithron, and came to Mahanaim. (See RSV) Thesaurus Forenoon (1 Occurrence)... Noah Webster's Dictionary (n.) The early part of the day, from morning to meridian, or noon. Multi-Version Concordance Forenoon (1 Occurrence). .../f/forenoon.htm - 6kForemost (14 Occurrences)
/f/foremost.htm - 10k Foreordain
/f/foreordain.htm - 9k Banquet (58 Occurrences) ... Thus much may be said in answer: The ariston (English Versions "dinner") was a meal usually taken about the middle of the forenoon, with variations of earlier ... /b/banquet.htm - 36k Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary ( n.) The early part of the day, from morning to meridian, or noon. Strong's Hebrew 1338. bithron -- forenoon... << 1337, 1338. bithron. 1339 >>. forenoon. Transliteration: bithron Phonetic Spelling: (bith-rone') Short Definition: morning. Word Origin ... /hebrew/1338.htm - 6k |