Thesaurus Galgala...GALGALA. ... The word occurs in APC 1Macc 9:2 in connection with Arbela, in Galilee-"The way to Galgala"-but it is doubtful which Gilgal is meant. .../g/galgala.htm - 6kArbela ... who went forth by the way that leadeth to Galgala, and pitched their tents before Masaloth, which is in Arbela, and after they had won it they slew much people ... /a/arbela.htm - 9k Galilaean (7 Occurrences)
/g/galilaean.htm - 8k Gilgal (39 Occurrences) ... gil'-gal (gilgal, "circle"; Galgala): The article is always with the name except in Joshua 5:9. There are three places to which the name is attached: (1) The ... /g/gilgal.htm - 27k Galgal (1 Occurrence)
/g/galgal.htm - 6k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia GALGALAgal'-gal-a (Gallgala):
Greek equivalent for Gilgal. The word occurs in APC 1Macc 9:2 in connection with Arbela, in Galilee-"The way to Galgala"-but it is doubtful which Gilgal is meant. Compare Josephus, Ant, XII, xi, 1
see GILGAL. |