Greek 3857. paradeisos -- a park, a garden, a paradise ... Definition a park, a garden, a paradise NASB Word Usage Paradise (3). paradise. Of Oriental origin (compare pardec); a park, ie (specially), an Eden (place of ... /greek/3857.htm - 6kCondensed Biblical Cyclopedia Garden of Eden- Location. It is impossible to locate the Garden of Delights. Even if the ravages of time left a dim outline of its glories for a few Centuries, everything would have been blotted out by the flood. The Thoughtful student will readily conclude that it covered a large Territory. Its products were varies, and were those peculiar to every Zone (Genesis 2:8,9). The portion of the garden over which Adam and Eve roamed in sinless bliss was doubtless in a tropical climate, for they Lived there without clothing (Genesis 1:25), and the fig tree grew in primitive luxuriance (Genesis 3:7).
- Inhabitants. It appears that Adam was the first and lonely Inhabitant of Eden. He was required to dress and keep it. To him the Law involving life and death were given. All the inhabitants of earth And air passed before him, and he named them all; but for him there was Not found a suitable companion, and to meet this want, the woman was Created and placed in the garden with him (Genesis 2:8-23).
- Law of Marriage. When the woman was presented to the man, the Lord declared, in view of the fact that she was bone of his bone And flesh of his flesh, a man should leave his father and mother and Cleave to his wife, and they should be one flesh (Genesis 2:21-24). This law has never been repealed (Matthew 19:1-9).
Strong's Hebrew 5731. Eden -- the garden home of Adam and Eve... << 5730b, 5731. Eden. 5732 >>. the garden home of Adam and Eve. Transliteration: Eden Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-den) Short Definition: Eden. ... /hebrew/5731.htm - 6k |