Thesaurus Geharashim/g/geharashim.htm - 6kGedor (7 Occurrences)
/g/gedor.htm - 10k Ge-harashim (2 Occurrences) Ge-harashim. << Geharashim, Ge-harashim. Ge-har'ashim >>. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia ... (See JPS). << Geharashim, Ge-harashim. Ge-har'ashim >>. Reference Bible /g/ge-harashim.htm - 7k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia GE-HARASHIMge-ha-ra'-shim (ge'charashim): In 1 Chronicles 4:14, the King James Version renders "valley of Charashim." In Nehemiah 11:35, English Versions of the Bible renders "valley of craftsmen"; here it is named with Lod and Ono. Something of the name perhaps survives in Khirbet Hirsa, East of Lydda. |