Thesaurus Gephyrun... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia GEPHYRUN. ge-fi'-run (Gephuroun): In 2 Maccabees 12:13, referring to the capture by Judas of a stronghold .../g/gephyrun.htm - 6kGera (9 Occurrences)
/g/gera.htm - 10k Georgian
/g/georgian.htm - 13k Bridge ... BRIDGE. brij (gephura, 2 Maccabees 12:13 the King James Version; the Revised Version (British and American) GEPHYRUN): Does not occur in the canonical Scriptures ... /b/bridge.htm - 9k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia GEPHYRUNge-fi'-run (Gephuroun): In 2 Maccabees 12:13, referring to the capture by Judas of a stronghold East of Jordan, the Revised Version (British and American) reads, "And he also fell upon a certain city Gephyrun,. it was named Gaspin." There appears to be some confusion in the text. There is nothing to indicate the relation between the two names. the King James Version renders, "He went also about to make a bridge." The name of the city in Josephus (Ant., XII, viii, 5) is EPHRON (which see). |