Bible Concordance
Knowlege (2641 Occurrences)Knowlege occurs 2641 times in 12 translations.
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Knowlege (2641 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance
Knowlege (2641 Occurrences).
Knowlege occurs
2641 times in 12 translations. You can narrow your search
.../k/knowlege.htm - 6kKnown (2780 Occurrences)
/k/known.htm - 6k
Knowledge-surpassing (1 Occurrence)
Knowledge-surpassing. << Knowledgeable, Knowledge-surpassing. Knowlege >>.
Multi-Version Concordance ... (WEY). << Knowledgeable, Knowledge-surpassing. Knowlege >>. ...
/k/knowledge-surpassing.htm - 6k
Discern (49 Occurrences)
... It may simply mean "observe" (bin), "I discerned among the youths" (Proverbs 7:7);
or discriminating knowlege, "A wise man's heart discerneth time and judgment ...
/d/discern.htm - 22k
Mediator (7 Occurrences)
... divine and human, divine, that his obedience and his sufferings might possess infinite
worth, and that he might possess infinite wisdom and knowlege and power ...
/m/mediator.htm - 42k