Thesaurus Makebates... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia MAKEBATES. mik'-bats: This is the plural of the word makebate, which means "one who stirs up strife .../m/makebates.htm - 6kMake (12882 Occurrences)
/m/make.htm - 22k Debate (13 Occurrences) ... It argues for and shows the advantage of private, peaceable settlement of difficulties. Compare Ecclesiasticus 28:9, and see MAKEBATES. ... /d/debate.htm - 11k Make-believe (1 Occurrence) Make-believe. << Makebates, Make-believe. Maked >>. Noah Webster's Dictionary ... (WEY). << Makebates, Make-believe. Maked >>. Reference Bible. /m/make-believe.htm - 6k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia MAKEBATESmik'-bats: This is the plural of the word makebate, which means "one who stirs up strife." It occurs only in the King James Version margin of 2 Timothy 3:3 and Titus 2:3 as an alternative translation of diaboloi, which the King James Version renders "false accusers," and the Revised Version (British and American) "slanderers." |