Thesaurus Nooma...NOOMA. no'-o-ma ( Nooma, Codex Vaticanus Ooma; the King James Version Ethma): 1 Esdras 9:35 equals "Nebo" of Ezra 10:43, of which it is a corruption. .../n/nooma.htm - 6kNoon (30 Occurrences)
/n/noon.htm - 16k Zabadeas ... zab-a-de'-as (Zabadaias; the King James Version Zabadaias): One of the sons of Nooma who put away their foreign wives (1 Esdras 9:35) = "Zabad" of Ezra 10:43. ... /z/zabadeas.htm - 6k Nonsense (4 Occurrences)
/n/nonsense.htm - 7k Ethma ... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia ETHMA. eth'-ma (Ethma), the Revised Version (British and American) NOOMA (which see). ... /e/ethma.htm - 6k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia NOOMAno'-o-ma (Nooma, Codex Vaticanus Ooma; the King James Version Ethma): 1 Esdras 9:35 equals "Nebo" of Ezra 10:43, of which it is a corruption. |