Thesaurus Ocina... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia OCINA. o-si'-na, os'-i-na, ok'-i-na (Okeina): A town on the Phoenician coast South of Tyre, mentioned .../o/ocina.htm - 6kO'clock (16 Occurrences) O'clock. << Ocina, O'clock. Ocran >>. Multi-Version Concordance O'clock (16 Occurrences). Matthew ... WEY). << Ocina, O'clock. Ocran >>. Reference Bible. /o/o'clock.htm - 10k Ocidelus
/o/ocidelus.htm - 6k Sur (1 Occurrence) ... SUR. sur (Codex Vaticanus Assour, Codex Alexandrinus Sour): Those that dwelt in Sur are mentioned along with the inhabitants of Sidon, Tyre, Ocina, etc., as ... /s/sur.htm - 7k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia OCINAo-si'-na, os'-i-na, ok'-i-na (Okeina): A town on the Phoenician coast South of Tyre, mentioned only in Judith 2:28, in the account of the campaign of Holofernes in Syria. The site is unknown, but from the mention of Sidon and Tyre immediately preceding and Jemnaan, Azotus and Ascalon following, it must have been South of Tyre. One might conjecture that it was Sandalium (Iskanderuna) or Umm ul-'Awamid, but there is nothing in the name to suggest such an identification. |