Thesaurus Orthosia... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia ORTHOSIA. or-tho-si'-a (Orthosias; the King James Version Orthosias): The city to which Tryphon .../o/orthosia.htm - 6kOrtion
/o/ortion.htm - 8k Orphan's (1 Occurrence)
/o/orphan's.htm - 6k Tryphon ... He next escaped to Ptolemais, then to Orthosia, and finally to his native Apamea, where he was driven to suicide (Josephus, Ant, XIII, vii, 2; Strabo, 668 ... /t/tryphon.htm - 9k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ORTHOSIAor-tho-si'-a (Orthosias; the King James Version Orthosias): The city to which Tryphon fled when he escaped from Dora, where he was besieged by Antiochus Sidetes (1 Maccabees 15:37). According to Pliny (NH, v.17) it lay South of the river Eleutherus, and North of the city of Tripolis. The Peutinger Tables place it 12 Roman miles North of Tripolis and 30 miles South of Antaradus on the Phoenician coast. Porter would place it on the southern bank of Nahr el-Barid. |