Bible Concordance
Overextending (1 Occurrence)2 Corinthians 10:14 for not as not reaching to you do we stretch ourselves overmuch, for even unto you did we come in the good news of the Christ, (See NAS RSV)
Overextending (1 Occurrence)... Multi-Version Concordance
Overextending (1 Occurrence). 2 Corinthians
10:14 for not as not reaching to you do we stretch ourselves
.../o/overextending.htm - 6kOver-elated (1 Occurrence)
Over-elated. << Over-driving, Over-elated. Overextending >>. Multi-Version Concordance ...
(WEY). << Over-driving, Over-elated. Overextending >>. Reference Bible.
/o/over-elated.htm - 6k
Overfed (1 Occurrence)
/o/overfed.htm - 6k
5239b. huperekteino -- to stretch beyond measure ... << 5239a, 5239b. huperekteino. 5240 >>. to stretch beyond measure.
Transliteration: huperekteino Short Definition:
overextending. Word
... /greek/5239b.htm - 5k