Thesaurus Pacatiana... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia PACATIANA. pa-ka-ti-a'-na, pak-a-ti'-a- na (Pakatiane): About 295 AD, when the province of Asia was .../p/pacatiana.htm - 6kPace (3 Occurrences)
/p/pace.htm - 8k Pa'arai (1 Occurrence) Pa'arai. << Paarai, Pa'arai. Pacatiana >>. ... 2 Samuel 23:35 Hezro the Carmelite, Paarai the Arbite, (See RSV). << Paarai, Pa'arai. Pacatiana >>. Reference Bible. /p/pa'arai.htm - 6k
Greek 3818 -- Pacatiana. Pacatiana. Phonetic Spelling: (pak-at-ee-an-ay') Short Definition: Pacatiana. Pacatiana. Feminine of an adjective of uncertain derivation ... /greek/3818.htm - 5kInternational Standard Bible Encyclopedia PACATIANApa-ka-ti-a'-na, pak-a-ti'-a-na (Pakatiane): About 295 A.D., when the province of Asia was broken up, two new provinces were formed, Phrygia Prima (Pacatiana), of which Laodicea was "the chiefest city" (subscription to 1 Timothy the King James Version), and Phrygia Secunda (Salutaris).
See PHRYGIA, and HDB, III, 865. |