Thesaurus Phalias... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia PHALIAS. fa-li'-as ( Phalias Codex Alexandrinus Phiathas; the King James Version, Biatas, following .../p/phalias.htm - 6kBiatas ... bi'-a-tas (Phalias; Codex Alexandrinus, Phiathas): the Revised Version (British and American) "Phalias," one of the Levites (1 Esdras 9:48) who "taught (the ... /b/biatas.htm - 6k Phalek (1 Occurrence)
/p/phalek.htm - 6k Phallu (5 Occurrences)
/p/phallu.htm - 8k Pelaiah (3 Occurrences) ... 10:10). He is called "Phalias" in 1 Esdras 9:48 (Revised Version). Multi-Version Concordance Pelaiah (3 Occurrences). 1 Chronicles ... /p/pelaiah.htm - 8k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia PHALIASfa-li'-as (Phalias Codex Alexandrinus Phiathas; the King James Version, Biatas, following Aldine Biatas): One of the Levites who read and explained the Law to the multitude (1 Esdras 9:48) = "Pelaiah" of Nehemiah 8:7.Ezra's left hand when he expounded the Law (1 Esdras 9:44) = "Pedaiah" of Nehemiah 8:4. |