Greek 2817. kleronomia -- an inheritance ... an inheritance Definition: an inheritance, an heritage, regularly the gift of God to His chosen people, in the Old Testament: the Promised Land, in NT a ... /greek/2817.htm - 7kTopical Bible Verses Genesis 12:1Now the LORD had said to Abram, Get you out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you:—AKJVCondensed Biblical Cyclopedia Promised LandGod promised to show Abram a land (Genesis 12:1). After a long and perilous journey he pitched his tent in the plain of Moreh and the Lord Assured him that he was in the land intended for his possession (Genesis 12:6,7). However, he was a sojourner during his entire life (Acts 7:1-5; Hebrews 11:8,9). This land extended from the river Euphrates to the river of Egypt (Genesis 15:18-21). Strong's Hebrew 2202. Ziphron -- a place on N. boundary of the promised land... << 2201, 2202. Ziphron. 2203 >>. a place on N. boundary of the promised land. Transliteration: Ziphron Phonetic Spelling: (zi-frone') Short Definition: Ziphron. ... /hebrew/2202.htm - 6k |